It seems that Josh Duggar’s sister, Jessa (Duggar) Seewald, is finally speaking out against her brother, following the revelation that Josh had an account on the Ashley Madison website.

Jessa posted a link to a blog post written by her father-in-law Michael Seewald. In the post, Michael was direct in his disapproval of Josh.

“After hearing of Josh’s scandal when he was a teenager, I publicly stated that Josh appeared to be a changed man, was walking above reproach, and living out the faith that he professed,” Michael wrote. “I stood in solidarity, encouraging him to use the scandal to build humility and grace. Sadly, he had deceived us all.”

“He claimed to be a Christian, but by his deeds he has suggested otherwise,” Michael went on. “With the name of God on his lips he lived a covert and extensive lifestyle of evil. While proudly saying things like, ‘Our family is the epitome of conservative values,’ he was looking at porn and soliciting affairs. He took a job at the Family Research Council that exists to promote the traditional family, all the while undermining his own family by violating his marriage covenant.”

Michael went on to condemn Josh and say that he was a shame to Christianity.

“The thing that is so hurtful is that he was a loud voice endorsing Christian ethics and he has been shown to be a fraud. I am profoundly grieved that he attained such a platform only to bring shame on God’s holy name and the Christian faith,” Jessa’s father wrote.