Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump never served a single day in the military, but said he “feels” like he did because he went to a military school and “dealt with” people who were in the military, reported Talking Points Memo.

“My number was so incredible and it was a very high draft number,” said Trump to biographer Michael D’Antonio about getting a draft deferment during the Vietnam War. “Anyway, so I never had to do that, but I felt that I was in the military in the true sense because I dealt with those people.”

TPM noted that Trump attended the New York Military Academy from eighth grade until finishing high school. The candidate says he participated in military-style drills while at the school. Trump’s comparison, however, is way off-base and insults thousands of men and women who put on a military uniform every day. Trump even said he received more military training at the school than people who are actually in the military.

D’Antonio is working on a book called Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success. Trump’s first two wives will appear in the book, and both have said that Trump “wants to be noticed” and that he’s a “little boy that [sic] still wants attention.”

By saying he “feels” like he was in the military, Trump is crying for more attention.

Ring of Fire love the below meme posted at the Democratic Underground.

