The most recent Quinnipiac University poll shows Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in a virtual tie among likely Democratic caucusgoers in Iowa. In the most recent poll, taken from August 27 to September 8, Bernie leads Hillary with 41% to her 40%.

Bernie’s message is “more in line with disproportionately liberal primary and caucus voters,” said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac poll. A greater portion of voters who describe themselves as “very” liberal picked Sanders (59 percent) over Clinton (29 percent). Bernie also did better among men, winning 49 percent of their support to Hillary’s 28 percent. Hillary, on the other hand, did better among women, leading Bernie 49 percent to 35 percent.

For more on this story, click CBS News Iowa poll: Sanders and Clinton in virtual tie.

Watch David Pakman discuss the fact that Bernie now is up 10 points in Iowa: