It doesn’t look like Josh Duggar has been spending much time at rehab. Reports have stated that the infamous sexual deviant has not been seen in the town of Rockford, Illinois, where he was reportedly going to seek rehabilitation.

As Patheos reports:

No one in Rockford, Illinois has actually spotted Duggar among the other recovering addicts at RU [Reformers Unanimous]. He hasn’t been seen coming or going from the mandatory twice a Sunday [sic] services at North Love Baptist Church. Which is odd considering it would be a mandatory part of his recovery process at RU. There has been absolutely no sightings of Josh anywhere in Rockford or RU.

Which begs the question, where is he? Others have reported that the Duggar family plane had been spotted in Rockford for 10 minutes and then immediately left. The plane was also seen in Paragould and the family has no known connections to the region.

It’s all very strange. So where is he? Because it sure doesn’t look like he is in rehab.