During a speech Thursday evening at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Hillary Clinton tore into Scott Walker for his service to the Koch brothers.

“It seems to me, just observing him, that Governor Walker thinks because he busts unions, starves universities, guys public education, demeans women, scapegoats teachers, nurses, and firefighters, he is some kind of tough guy on a motorcycle, a real leader,” Clinton Said. “Well, that is not leadership, folks. Leadership means fighting for the people you represent.”

“It looks like he just gets his marching orders from the Koch brothers and just goes down the list,” Clinton said.

Walker tried his best to return fire at Hillary Clinton on Thursday.

“Hillary Clinton could learn a few lessons from the bold reforms we’ve enacted in Wisconsin since I took office,” Walker said, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “To move our country forward like we moved Wisconsin forward, we need a fresh face from outside Washington, D.C., to wreak havoc on the status quo and put hardworking American taxpayers back in charge. Hillary Clinton, who has been fighting for the ruling class over the working class for years, is not fit to take up that mantle.”