Now that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is out of the Republican presidential race, there is some loose support waiting to be taken up by the remaining 14 candidates. Candidate Marco Rubio is set to inherit about two-thirds of Walker’s hand-me-down support.

“I think Marco is the clear, logical choice of Walker’s supporters,” said Bob Pence, a Walker supporter who planned to host a fundraiser on Friday.

Rubio reportedly has already been endorsed by one of Mr. Walker’s Georgia state co-chairmen. Mr. Walker’s New Hampshire state co-chairman, Cliff Hurst, joined Mr. Rubio’s campaign with the same title and role. The campaign stated Tuesday that it had landed five of Walker’s Iowa chairmen.

Walker once had a slew of big money donors, but when he started slumping in the polls, the money started to slowly dry up. By winning over the majority of Walker’s former donors, Rubio can compete with his Florida counterpart and GOP opponent, Jeb Bush.

The Wisconsin governor now has the record for the shortest presidential campaign in history at 70 days. His campaign was so weak that many of Walker’s supporters began courting Rubio before Walker announced that he was dropping out.

“I’d already been talking with Rubio’s staff and Marco for a few days with no knowledge of what was going on with Walker,” said Judson Hill, a Georgia state senator.

Considering Walker’s former supporters see similarities between Rubio and the governor, perhaps that means Rubio will drop out soon too.

For more on this story, visit the Wall Street Journal “Rubio Benefits From Walker Exit.”