Why is it that only the Republican Party believes it represents American beliefs? Where are they getting their information that somehow this country has become dominated by right-wing, Christian, fanatics that want the U.S. to implement the next Christian Crusade?

It turns out that the Republican Party is just as delusional as Progressive surmised. According to the Wall Street Journal:

The Republican Party has a negative image among the broader electorate. Some 45% of adults viewed the GOP in a negative light, while 29% viewed it positively. By contrast, the Democratic Party is viewed more favorably than unfavorably, 41% to 35%.

Republicans also find themselves at odds with much of the country on immigration and abortion. Republicans, by a two-to-one margin, would support changing the Constitution to deny citizenship to children born in the U.S. to people who are in the country illegally. Democrats want to keep the current law, 70%-26%, and independents also are supportive, 55%-36%.

The poll offers particularly bad news for any conservatives looking to shutter the federal government to block funding for women’s health provider Planned Parenthood. Some 61% oppose any effort to defund the organization, while Republicans are generally supportive of stripping federal funds from Planned Parenthood, 55% to 40%, posing a tricky dilemma for 2016 candidates. Just 9% of Americans would support shutting the government to wage that fight. The women’s health provider is viewed far more positively than negatively among adults overall, 47%-31%.

For more on this story, click Wall Street Journal WSJ Poll Shows Risks for GOP; Clinton Support Wanes