The problem with the U.S. political system is that American voters are completely ignorant. They live in a 15-second, sound bite world, in which “reality TV” is actually reality to them. They believe that Kim Kardashian has more insight into world affairs than President Obama. They choose to remain ignorant because it’s easy. The only way this is going to change is for social media users to get the word out through email, text, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

The following is a report from CBS News that proves the above point:

24-year-old Keene resident . . . said that while she is a supporter of Trump, she would’ve liked to see more specifics of Trump from the speech.

‘I liked it but I also feel like there was a lot of stuff left out,’ Buckley said. ‘I still want a lot more details about things. There was more of an overview. I want more gritty details. But the ideals are awesome.’

Buckley is also considering throwing her support to the candidate who is Trump’s polar opposite: Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who is a socialist.

‘Bernie Sanders has a lot of great ideas, but again, it’s with a lack of details. He has all these great plans.’

When asked about Trump and Sanders being ideological opposites, Buckley said, ‘Yes, at the same time, kind of not. I grew up poor. The whole income tax thing, I just learned about that a few ago. At the same time, I just talked to my boss at work about it. She’s middle class and said, ‘That doesn’t help me at all.’

How a voter could be choosing between Trump and Bernie is mindboggling. Of course, CBS News isn’t helping to create an informed voter by referring to Bernie as “a socialist.”