We’ve thought since day one that Rand Paul’s campaign was dead on arrival. Now, it appears, the rest of the conservative establishment is coming to the recognition that Paul is a weak candidate and his days are numbered in the race.

Salon reports:

The Rand Paul 2016 campaign death watch is in full swing after the candidate spent the entire summer collapsing in national state-level polling. Nationwide he’s polling at a meager 2.7 percent, having fallen from a mid-May high of 9 percent. In New Hampshire, the state he said was a must-win this past April, Paul is pulling in just under 4 percent, down from 14 percent in January. When he appears on TV or gives interviews, Rand is fending off questions about how much longer he’ll stay in the race. He’s gone from a top-tier candidate to a presumed also-ran in just a few months, and he got there by stomping all over his own image as “the most interesting man in politics.”

Rand’s claim to be the “most interesting man in politics” seems to have been miscalculated. Now everyone sees it.

For more on this read the article from Salon titled: “Let the Rand Paul death watch begin: A pre-mortem of his spectacularly stumbling campaign.”