Charles Koch, the chairman and CEO of Koch Industries, was interviewed by CBS News for a segment to appear this Sunday  on CBS’ “Sunday Morning”. It is Charles’ first national television interview, which certainly indicates that he is trying to improve his image after social media has been correctly exposing him for what he and his brother David currently stand for.

CBS has released a small portion of the interview, which includes the following:

“You said, you’re not particularly high on any of the candidates so far?” asked [CBS correspondent Anthony] Mason.

“Well, I didn’t say that,” Koch replied. “I said I don’t have the evidence that they’re going to change the trajectory of the country.”

“Are you intending to support a candidate for President?”Mason asked.

“Well, it depends.”

. . .

But when Mason asked Koch about reports that he is “increasingly interested” in Fiorina, Koch laughed.

“Listen, if there’s a report about me, just say, ‘Okay, that is probably the opposite.’ And you’ll be on firmer ground.”

“You’re denying that report?”


Mr. Koch, we at Ring of Fire will virtually never agree with you on anything. However, when it comes to Carly Fiorina, we absolutely agree. She is a pathological liar you never can trust to repay your investment in her, and certainly not to lead this country.

While we at Ring of Fire support Bernie Sanders, we definitely understand why you and your brother will never support him. However, we ask you to at least support Hillary Clinton. While we have a lot of issues with her because we see her as GOP-Lite, we rather see her than any of the conceivable Republican candidates. Also, you absolutely can trust her more to support some of your beliefs than you can any of the Republican candidates. The truth is that the Republican Party has become so dysfunctional that you cannot get anything you desire through them. Put your money behind all Democrats and get a complete sweep of the presidency, House of Representatives and Senate.

We on the Progressive side certainly will not like everything that the Democrats will do, but we are at least realists who understand that we can’t get everything we want, and that we must compromise on things you and your brother truly want. There are simply certain things we really, really want, and it will not overly kill you.

You and your brother are great business people, invest in a winner, rather than the psychotic and dysfunctional Republican Party that has been totally hijacked by the Tea Party nuts. The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that we as Democrats understand the need to compromise in the real world in order to keep a stable and functioning society that is moving forward in what we perceive is the correct path.

Anyone who follows Ring of Fire knows we are aggressive and vocal in our opinions. We are not your “Birkenstock Liberals.” We are not going to sit quietly and sing “Kumbayah”. We call it like we see it, and in very harsh terms. However, we are rational, as long as progress is being made with universal human rights, and helping the poor and middle class. We are willing to talk and get through our differences as long as progress is occurring in recognizing the rights of the poor, the middle class, homosexuals, Christians and non-Christians, immigrants, etc.

If the Koch brothers were to show the courage in stepping up and exposing the GOP as a lost cause, this more than anything will begin the process of creating a proper legacy for the Koch brothers and their families. Look at what Bill and Melinda Gates have accomplished. It’s not too late.