Three organizations are filing suit against the United States Forest Service for permitting Nestlé to continue to use water from a river for which its permit expired over two decades ago.

LA Weekly explains the suit:

At the heart of the suit by the Story of Stuff Project, the California-based Courage Campaign Institute and the Center for Biological Diversity is the allegation that the service shouldn’t allow Nestlé to use the water from Strawberry Creek in the San Bernardino National Forest because the use permit in question expired in 1988.

“California is in the middle of its worst drought in centuries and the wildlife that rely on Strawberry Creek, including Southwestern willow flycatchers and numerous amphibians, are seeing their precious water siphoned away every day,” said Ileena Anderson, from the Center for Biological Diversity. “… The forest and the wildlife that live there deserve better.”

According to the lawsuit, it is illegal for the government to “allow operation and/or expansion of the West Strawberry Diversion Structures without a valid and current special-use permit.”

For more on this, read the article from LA Weekly titled: “Feds Sued For Allegedly Allowing Nestlé to Jack Water From SoCal National Forest.