Jeb Bush is getting crushed everywhere he looks – even in his home state of Florida. Jeb has fallen into single digits in the state where he was formerly governor.

According to a poll from the University of North Florida, Jeb is now polling at 9-percent support with likely Florida Republican voters. This puts Jeb in fourth place in the state, behind Donald Trump, Ben Carson, and Senator Marco Rubio.

Republicans in Florida have varied views on how to respond to immigration concerns.

As Politico Florida explains:

The poll also shows that 54 percent of those voters favor various immigration policies that allow “unauthorized immigrants” the ability to legally stay in the United States.

Both Bush and his former protégé and friend, Rubio, favor policies that legalize some undocumented immigrants. But Rubio is more popular than Bush and runs in third with 14.9 percent of the GOP vote. Carson, a West Palm Beach resident, is at 19.3 percent. Trump, a part-time Palm Beach resident at 21.7 percent.

For more on this, read the article from Politico Florida titled: “Bush Plummets to single digits in new Florida Poll.