Bernie Sanders said in a statement on Sunday, that Republicans supporting voter suppression in Alabama and other states are cowards.

“Republican cowards all across the country, including Alabama, are very clearly trying to win elections by suppressing the vote and making it harder for low-income people, minorities, young people and seniors to vote. That has to change. Anyone 18 years of age or older should be automatically registered to vote,” said Sanders via Twitter.

According to the Washington Post, Sanders was responding to a statement from Hillary Clinton on Sunday.

“It is hard to believe that we are back having this same debate about whether or not every American gets to vote,” said Clinton, noting that closing driver’s license offices in Alabama is “a blast from the Jim Crow past. …I’m not picking on Alabama, I just think we got to stop this before it gets out of control. Believe me, they won’t stop with rural counties and driver’s license offices right?”

Sanders made a speech in August in which he directly addressed the issue.

“Anybody who is suppressing the vote, anybody who is intentionally trying to keep people from voting because the candidate who knows that those people would vote against him or her, that person is a political coward,” said Sanders. “If you don’t have the guts to run for office on your ideas, then you shouldn’t run for office at all.”

For more on this, read the article from titled: “Bernie Sanders: Alabama Republicans are ‘cowards’ trying to ‘suppress’ vote.