The Palm Beach Gardens Police Department is in the midst of a scandal explaining how Corey Jones wound up dead. Jones was shot by a plainclothes police officer while he sat on the side of Interstate 95, waiting for a tow truck to come and pick up his broken down SUV.

Jones’s friend Mathew Hunsberger had come to him earlier in the evening and tried to offer assistance with the broken-down vehicle. When the pair were unable to repair the vehicle, they started searching for tow services.

“When I left him he was sitting in his car calling roadside assistance,” said Hunsberger. “I never would have thought that someone was going to come kill him.”

The details of what occurred between the Jones and officer Nouman Raja are very few.

“As the officer exited his vehicle, he was suddenly confronted by an armed subject,” said the department in a statement. “As a result of the confrontation, the officer discharged his firearm, resulting in the death of the subject.”

“They’re saying he was armed, but I don’t know if I believe it,” said Hunsberger. “If I was there, maybe it’s a different situation. I just don’t know what happened.”

For more on this, read the article from the Independent titled: “Corey Jones: Black man shot and killed by policeman as he waited by broken down car.