At a recent college event sponsored by an organization funded by the Koch brothers, Jeb Bush was asked by a student about his immigration. It turned out to be the one question he had no patience for.

“I want to know your position about a path to citizenship,” asked student Dulce Valencia. “I’m wondering why it’s okay for your wife but not my parents. Why do you want to just give them ‘legal status’ – what do you mean by that? Why not a path to citizenship?”

Bush claimed that the difference between his wife and others is that his wife did not come to America illegally.

Valencia pressed Bush further and he snapped.

“I have you my position,” said Bush. “We talked about this before. Yes, I have – just did. I believe in a path to legalized status for – because I don’t think with 11 million people we’ll be able to get the consensus needed.”

Bush turned and walked away.

Watch the video of the exchange on Facebook.