For the second time, a major union has stepped up to back Senator Bernie Sanders in his run for president. The American Postal Workers Union announced their endorsement today shortly before the upcoming Democratic debate on Saturday the 14th.

APWU president Mark Dimondstein had several positive comments about the candidate including:

“No other candidate has his record of standing with workers on picket lines, fighting for a $15 per hour minimum wage, supporting free public college tuition, and advocating for veterans’ benefits,” Dimondstein said. “And no other candidate has his record of fighting to defend and expand Social Security, promoting Medicare for all, and opposing fast track trade authority and rotten trade deals like the Trans Pacific Partnership.”

This sort of major, formal backing is a significant display of support for the underdog Sanders, whose refreshingly honest and consistent political views were once considered too fringe to gain the nomination against establishment candidate Clinton. By putting tangible, established support behind the senator, America is making a clear stand to declare that they are truly tired of bought politicians, and ready for a man with a proven record of advocating for the people.

Sanders’ particularly genuine brand of integrity shines through in a very honest way, continuing to gain approval from Americans who are willing to consider his alternative brand of politics. Bernie is gaining ground and America is paying attention.

For more on this story visit The Huffington Post “Postal Workers Union Endorses Bernie Sanders.”

Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at