Speaking on CNN Friday, Armstrong Williams, an adviser to Ben Carson, expressed that Carson could certainly be doing a job with foreign policy issues. Williams said that Carson needs to make his policies clear and do a better job of expressing them.

“Dr. Carson really has to get into the details of his policies, whether it’s immigration, whether it’s Medicaid, whether it’s how we deal with ISIS and ISIS and our foreign policy, said Williams. “He really has to get into the real detail because he has to convince people who like him, who trust him–they have to believe that he has the capacity to lead from a policy position, from a substantive position. They have to believe he can learn these issues and articulate them in a way that they find they’re willing to trust him to become their next President of the United States.”

Carson has received a great deal of criticism for his rambling answer to a question about the Middle East and claiming that the Chinese are taking action in Syria.

For more on this, read the article from Talking Points Memo titled: “Carson’s Own Adviser Says He Needs To Clarify His Foreign Policy Positions.