Despite more than satisfactory evidence for Senator Bernie Sanders’ claim that climate change has a direct effect on the growth of terrorism, Fox News pundits are still having  a field day with what they consider a completely outrageous claim.

“I mean, al-Baghdadi [leader of ISIS] will be sawing Bernie Sanders’ head off, and he’ll be saying as his neck is being sliced, ‘Oh, if only we had an emissions trading scheme!’”

Mark Steyn’s comment might be incredibly disturbing if it weren’t presented so casually. Clearly the talking heads over at Fox News are extremely comfortable with the idea of a beheaded Bernie Sanders and have no problem invoking some truly horrible imagery in order to make a joke.


Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at