Friday night, Bill Maher went off on being politically correct regarding Islamic extremism. Maher referenced a poll that found that 53 percent of American believe that the values of Syrian refugees are at odds with American values. Maher said, “That may not be wrong.”

“If you are in this religion, you probably have values that are at odds,” he said. “This is what liberals don’t want to recognize.”

As Crooks & Liars reports:

He argued that many refugees may come from place [sic] that have Sharia law or want to invoke Sharia law and pointed to cases in the U.K. where Muslim immigrants have carried out brutal traditions such as female genital mutilation and honor killings, forsaking Western values.

“This idea that somehow we do share values that all religions are alike is bull—-,” Mr. Maher said, Mediaite reported.

For more on this, read the article from Crooks & Liars titled: “Bill Maher Blasts Liberals for Defending Islam: Muslims Sharing Western Values Is ‘Bull****’.