You’ve heard of the “Boy’s Club,” the generalized term used to indicate the way that businesses and society have been historically dominated by men, making women feel as if they are invading men’s spaces when they began further penetrating the workforce. The Boy’s Club certainly still exists in the government and elsewhere, but Congress has recently experienced a new “Girl’s Club” which bolsters and supports Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy.
Out of the 20 female senators (a record number), 14 of these are Democrats, and among these, 13 have pledged publicly their support for Clinton’s presidential bid. The only remaining feminine stalemate? Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Warren is a coveted vote as a notable progressive voice. Unfortunately for both sides of the Democratic race, Warren has already proclaimed more than once that she is not yet ready to declare her endorsement.
But that’s not from lack of trying in the Girl’s Club: Democrat staffers have reported that Warren has felt significant pressure from Democratic female Senators to support Clinton and make history by electing the first female president. This group of female senators, like many politicians in office often do, have pledged to campaign for Clinton and work together to enthusiastically achieve this goal. In this case, the women left on a New Hampshire bus tour on Thursday to speak about the secretary. No doubt, these women have a close relationship with Clinton and are eager to see the road to the presidency made easier to travel for themselves by her presidency.
Their goals are admirable, but like we have said more than once, Clinton is just not worthy of the title of First Woman President. We can only hope that Warren goes against the Girl’s Club peer pressure and supports the candidate who she has worked with so faithfully, and who most accurately reflects her own political ideas.
Watch our commentary on Elizabeth Warren’s fight against Wall Street: