It may not be a call to ban an entire religion from entering the country or painting an entire nation of people as rapists and criminals, but Donald Trump’s latest scandal may be his most bizarre yet as reporters have uncovered that the billionaire egomaniac used to regularly call into radio shows to defend his decisions and reputation under a pseudonym.

Yes, back in the early 90’s, a nice man named Jim Miller represented Trump as a spokesman and PR representative. Miller strongly defended Trump in a strong New York accent and sweeping words. The problem is, Miller was clearly Donald Trump himself.

When reporters asked Trump about Miller recently, he abruptly ended the phone interview by hanging up. Trump told others that he completely denied posing as his own PR guy, saying that “Miller” was clearly a bad imitation from someone else of Trump’s voice. But if that was true, what about the fact that Trump has previously admitted that he often uses aliases? And the fact that his father did the same thing in his day?

Clearly this whole issue has struck a nerve, and if proven to be true, could possibly be the bizarre destruction of character that brings the real estate mogul to his knees.

Trump is a sick, sick egomaniac. This proves it for sure.


Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at