During an interview with Republican congressman Sean Duffy on Thursday, CNN host Chris Cuomo made the interesting comment that if Duffy and his colleagues are so frustrated with Obama’s handling of ISIS, they (the Congress) can declare war on the terrorist organization themselves.

During the back-and-forth between Republicans and President Obama concerning the threat of ISIS and what should be done about it, Congressional Republicans seem to have forgotten one interesting detail: if they want to go to war so badly with ISIS, they have it fully in their grasp to declare war at any point.

In fact, officially, Congress is the only branch of government who have the authority to declare war.

Considering the fact that Republicans are the majority in the house, it would be all too easy to get the war ball rolling, and yet they hold back and choose to attack the president instead.

Cuomo called Duffy on his bluff after the congressman said that he was confident that taking out ISIS would be a quick and dirty operation if only Obama would put it into place.

Cuomo: “I don’t know what you’re asking for that isn’t done right now. The generals do say they can take out ISIS, but we know what they’re asking for: They’re asking for boots on the ground. You’re part of a Congress that won’t even have a vote on the authorization for use of military force against ISIS.”

Duffy tried to stutter his way out of the irrefutable fact by saying that Obama could just as easily do the deed since George Bush’s abuse of power over Iraq set a precedent for presidents sending troops off on unofficial wars.

Cuomo replied, “If it matters so much, why not take control of it with the power that’s yours?”


Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at srobinson@ringoffireradio.com