Throughout this election, Bill Clinton has shown that he is horrific at handling protesters at campaign events, repeatedly placing his foot firmly in his own mouth, again and again.

On a Tuesday campaign stop in Ohio University, Bill just couldn’t help himself when a heckler in the crowd hit his family on their general failure at criminal justice reform.

The unnamed voice shouted that they couldn’t vote for someone who sends thousands of people to prison – the person was referring to Bill’s own 1994 crime bill which did sent thousands and thousands of low-level criminals to prison for years.

It’s a legitimate point, though some may argue it shouldn’t matter what Bill did or didn’t support – Hillary Clinton is her own person with her own beliefs.

But Bill didn’t choose to express his views in such a rational way. Instead, he elected to name-drop in the worst way.

“Hillary didn’t vote for the ’94 crime bill even though Sen. Sanders did.”

Where does the former president get off, trying to muddy the name of a man who has set aside his ideals and pride to campaign for Clinton? Just this week, Bernie is criss-crossing the nation to stump for his former opponent, despite the bad blood that once existed between the two.

Bill Clinton wasn’t just being cruel when he invoked Bernie in Ohio, he was being irresponsible with Clinton’s campaign. With just a month until the election, how damaging to Clinton’s campaign would it be if Bernie turned around and rejected the Democratic candidate?

Bill Clinton owes the Senator a sincere apology for his attack on what should be his ally. Bill is far too willing to tear down others to try to defend his highly flawed record. His skin is too thin, and it shows.

Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at