The biggest story to come from this election, next to the relieving fact that we as a nation will have finally rejected Donald Trump once and for all, is that the salvation of our nation and our democracy rested in the capable – but unexpected – hands of Hispanic Americans.

It was well known that even the most conservative Hispanic voter was not a fan of Trump, but what no model or poll could have predicted is the record-breaking turnout we can expect to see from the minority group.

Already in Nevada, we got a glimpse of what a united Hispanic group can accomplish. According to Nevada’s top political analyst Jon Ralston, this effort by Latinos and Latinas in Nevada has single-handedly ended Trump’s presidential chances, while also crippling the GOP’s dominance.

“Trump’s path was nearly impossible, as I have been telling you, before what happened in Clark County on Friday. But now he needs a Miracle in Vegas on Election Day — and a Buffalo Bills Super Bowl championship is more likely — to turn this around. The ripple effect down the ticket probably will cost the Republicans Harry Reid’s Senate seat, two GOP House seats and control of the Legislature.”

Thousands lined up in Clark County, Nevada to cast their early ballot on the final day of early voting on Friday. The early voting on just that one day smashed records, and the polling location was forced to remain open long past their scheduled closing time to accommodate all voters.

All told, this slew of early voting means that the Democratic party now enjoys a significant lead ahead of the general election – sitting pretty at about 45,000 more votes than the Republican party.

Considering how important it was for Trump to win over this swing state, it’s not too far of a stretch to say that Hispanic, working-class, minority voters have decided this election. Democracy no longer belongs to white, male Republicans.

Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at