In case you missed it because you were too busy hiding in your closet anticipating what Trump’s next tweet-storm might be, let me enlighten you as to the best “Saturday Night Live” political sketch from last night:

In it, actor Alec Baldwin returns to the show once again to reprise his role as Donald Trump, but now that he’s won the presidency, Trump is feeling a bit of buyer’s remorse.

Baldwin’s Trump meets with eager generals and grateful townspeople who remind the President-elect of the myriad of campaign promises he made along the way. Trump becomes so overwhelmed that he decides to scrap the whole thing, before asking a newly Hamilton-chastised Pence if he will just do the whole presidency thing.

“You’re going to do everything, right?”

Thankfully for befuddled and overwhelmed Trump, Pence is game.

In response to this comedic sketch, the real President Elect Trump went on another of his infamous middle-of-the-night tweetstorms in which he, in part, dragged SNL for their unfunny and biased show.

Does the PEOTUS not know that SNL is a comedy show, not a news show? I mean, I see how he could get confused with the news format of Weekend Update, but the laughter of the live audience should have made it clear.

Unfortunately, SNL only has one more chance to infuriate the President-elect until their show ends for the season and they return to actual President Trump. That is, if he allows them to return at all.



Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at