Robert Reich, economist and political commentator, has been particularly vocal this election season speaking out in support of Bernie Sanders, and then later condemning Trump. But now that Donald Trump has been made our President-elect, Reich’s brand of positive politics is strained.

So what does a progressive economist do in the face of fascist rule? Lead.

On Saturday, Reich released an article on his website, as well as releasing it on Alternet, which outlined what the first day of Trump’s administration should look like from the side of resistance.

Reich’s choice of language here, even in the title of his article, is telling: the word “resistance” conjures up imagery of fighting against an oppressive regime – one that is on the wrong side of history but the right side of power.

Reich’s listicle features measures of resistance all the way from the top of the political pyramid all the way down.

The resistance must, on day one, begin to:

  • Oppose Trump’s agenda, in Congress and everywhere else.
  • Protest. March. Demonstrate. Make our opposition clear and let there be no question.
  • Boycott all things “Trump.”
  • Write to publications to express our displeasure. Do not sit silently.
  • Write Op-eds.
  • Engage on social media. Say the things corporate media won’t or can’t.
  • “Sue, baby, sue.”

and many, many more.

Reich’s list is complete and wide-reaching, and if we can manage to accomplish even a few of them, we will be well on our way to resisting Trump’s fascist government.

You can read the entirety of Reich’s plan on his website.



Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at