While protesters take to the streets in a visual image of defiance to President Trump, others who oppose the man are choosing to demonstrate with their wallets in a movement being called Grab Your Wallet, and it is having an incredibly effective result.

Thanks to the movement which urges supporters to boycott Trump-related products and alert businesses that support these products of the political implications, massive retailer Nordstrom is cutting their business ties with Trump daughter Ivanka’s fashion line.

The retailer did not publicly announce the shift – at least not yet – but they are slowly phasing the product out, starting with removing all Ivanka products from the shelves of their online store.

Nordstrom did say that sales have been suffering for the brand, clear evidence that the boycott is working.

The brand might also be suffering because a general distaste for the Trump name, and might have done badly even without the organized effort of Grab Your Wallet. Nevertheless, this win for the group has proved that economic boycotts are just as effective as political advocacy in the modern era.

Skeptics may also look at the recent activity surrounding transportation app Uber who publicly distanced itself from Donald Trump after a massive movement urging users to #DeleteUber took away more than 200,000 users in just a weekend.

Back in November, Nordstrom co-President Pete Nordstrom expressed the internal conflict over whether or not to remove the brand, saying that no matter what, they will be offending and upsetting some consumers.

Despite this conflict, it appears that the anti-Trump crowd is winning out and Nordstrom has determined that cutting ties with the President’s daughter is the smartest business decision.

Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at srobinson@ringoffireradio.com