Betsy DeVos may have been confirmed by the Senate as the head of the Department of Education, but she is increasingly unhappy as, like the man who put her in that spot, angry Americans make their opposition heard.

DeVos must have figured that she would throw a few million at the Republican party (pocket change, really), and voila! the spot would be hers. While she has gotten her golden egg at the expense of children nationwide, DeVos is still unsettled that the rest of the nation isn’t ready to accept her bought promotion with open arms.

In her first week in her new position as U.S. Education Secretary, DeVos made it clear that she was not happy about the actions of her “critics.”

Said DeVos during an interview with conservative columnist Cal Thomas,

“We’ve seen enough written that they want to make my life a living hell. They also don’t know what stock I come from. I will not be deterred from my mission in helping kids in this country.”

DeVos was referring here to the frequent protesters she has already encountered, including a group that barred her entry to a D.C.-area school. Like most of the rest of the GOP, DeVos has deluded herself into believing that any and all protesters in the Trump era are merely paid dissidents and not at all representative of American values and desires.

Let it be clear, DeVos, your billions may buy you a slew of yes-men and a shiny new political position, but it will never buy you the loyalty of the American people, especially when you endanger the welfare and future of this nation’s children.

Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at