If any good has come out of a Trump presidency so far, it is that a lot of ugly secrets are coming out that might not have otherwise seen the light of day. One of these is the long-running clandestine war against the Executive Branch waged by the intelligence community, which wants nothing more than a major escalation of U.S. military involvements overseas. In that endeavor, the CIA has had a willing pawn: war hawk Senator John McCain.

An article published earlier this week on True Pundit claims that the GOP congressman from Arizona has been doing his own spying on the President, eavesdropping on his private, classified conversations with other world leaders – including Russian President Vladimir Putin. Furthermore, there are allegations that McCain has been leaking information gleaned from these conversations to members of the corporate media, who have been doing everything possible to derail the Trump Administration. According to what the True Pundit claims is an unidentified White House staffer, McCain is “one of the major leaks.”

At first glance, it may seen odd that a senior Republican member of Congress could be actively working against a President of his own party (although some may still recall that much of the GOP was not thrilled with their candidate in the months prior to the election).

The idea that an elected U.S. senator might be working with the CIA in order to undermine the Administration is also shocking and difficult to believe. But consider that for the past two decades, McCain has been unabashedly beating the war drums.

Back in 2001 and 2002, McCain was the Bush II Administration’s leading proponent of going to war in Iraq, a war which was based on lies and an unmitigated disaster. To this day, McCain continues to insist that war was justified and necessary, unlike his fellow veterans in Congress, Jim Webb and Chuck Hagel. He’s also pushed for a new “G.I. Bill” that would encourage servicemen and women to re-enlist rather than help them in returning to civilian life.

McCain believes the U.S. has every right to occupy any other nation on the planet in order to accomplish its objectives. Over the past few years, the Arizona Senator has been calling for a military attack on Iran, despite the fact that this country has posed no real threat to the U.S.  In fact, there are at least a dozen countries around the world against which McCain would like to take this country to war.

What would be the agenda here? It is no secret that since the end of the Second World War, the adolescent United States has been reveling in flexing its muscle across the globe. For seventy-five years, this has been draining resources that might have better been used to educate and provide healthcare to our people, to build a world-class transportation and communications infrastructure, and create a better, more just and equal society. Instead, those resources have been going directly into the pockets of the military-industrial complex, making certain people and institutions extremely rich and powerful.

This may in fact be the long-term objective. The problem for McCain and the war hawks of the “Deep State” is that the Trump Administration’s isolationist foreign policy threatens that objective.

In his 1961 children’s novel, Where The Red Fern Grows, author Wilson Rawls wrote, “There is a little good in all evil.” Trump may be an incompetent fool and a self-serving narcissist, but if his Administration’s foreign policy means less blood, lives and national wealth spent on ill-advised military adventures abroad, that is a good thing.

McCain and those like him would perpetuate the ruinously expensive American Empire. Furthermore, if these allegations are true McCain’s actions would be illegal and may skirt the edges of treason.

It seems like U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions should spend less time re-igniting the phony “War on Drugs” and focus on investigating these allegations against McCain and any of his collaborators.

K.J. McElrath is a former history and social studies teacher who has long maintained a keen interest in legal and social issues. In addition to writing for The Ring of Fire, he is the author of two published novels: Tamanous Cooley, a darkly comic environmental twist on Dante's Inferno, and The Missionary's Wife, a story of the conflict between human nature and fundamentalist religious dogma. When not engaged in journalistic or literary pursuits, K.J. works as an entertainer and film composer.