As it turns out, when you make your state lose out on millions of tourism dollars because you and your criminal Republican legislation snuck anti-trans legislation onto the law-books in the dead of night, it can make finding your next gig a bit difficult.

In a rare bit of karma in our political sphere, former North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory is reportedly having a difficult time finding a new job after being pushed out of office in January.

McCrory was recently heard bemoaning his employment efforts to an evangelical Christian podcast. During the show, McCrory said that most people felt he was a “bigot,” which made them “reluctant to hire” him. But McCory, predictably, was ready to deny that label.

“People are reluctant to hire me, because, ‘oh my gosh, he’s a bigot’ – which is the last thing I am.”

As Salon noted, McCrory himself had recently thrown around the “bigot,” label, but rather than calling his anti-trans behavior out as bigoted, he said that anyone who respected trans Americans were the real bigots.

“During a previous interview he told WORLD that ‘if you disagree with the politically correct thought police on this new definition of gender, you’re a bigot, you’re the worst of evil. It’s almost as if I broke a law.’”

Oh boy.

So now the bigoted anti-trans governor is having a hard time finding a new gig after making national headlines for his anti-trans law. There’s no doubt that he was as proud as punch to be the talking-point of the media back when he was still governor – now that he’s not, his only concern is himself.

McCrory clearly saw this one coming, which is why he fought so strongly against the election results in November. When the Governor lost to Democratic opponent Roy Cooper, he repeatedly refused to accept the results, demanding a recount.

When initial recount results came in confirming the original count, McCrory and his Republican cronies set to work passing legislation stripping power from the state’s governor position. Still, no matter McCrory’s protests, Cooper was made governor and McCrory’s anti-trans reputation was to precede him everywhere he went.

In a political climate that increasingly rewards the worst in politics, it’s a refreshing change to see bad guys being treated like bad guys.

You know, McCrory, I bet Chick Fil A is hiring, though even they don’t have attendants posted at their bathroom doors doing skirt checks.

Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at