In a long list of people whose opinion matters, Martin O’Malley falls somewhere between Your Crazy Uncle Who Posts Memes on Facebook and a grey squirrel.

Still, the failed presidential candidate felt that he was qualified to speak about the election outcome and posited that if Bernie Sanders had faced Donald Trump in the general election, he wouldn’t have won. O’Malley was asked about the hypothetical during an interview on podcast “DC/BS.”

When asked if Bernie might have beaten Trump, a feat Nominee Hillary Clinton failed to achieve, O’Malley responded,

“I don’t believe so.”

What’s more, O’Malley says that if he had gone head-to-head with Trump, he would have won. Not Bernie, but him.

“I think I would have won.”

Now, putting aside my own, personal religious conviction that #BernieWould’veWon, O’Malley’s sage Monday night quarterbacking is cute – and stupid.

First of all, anyone probably would have beaten Trump. Every candidate the Democratic party could have put up against the man would likely have defeated him. Clinton should have beaten him soundly, but she didn’t, thanks to a series of major missteps from the Democratic party.

Trump didn’t win because he was great, or even good. He won through a combination of stupidity in the Republican party and a toxic cocktail of corruption, overconfidence, and establishment in the Democratic party in a year that cried out for something different – even if ‘different’ meant horrific.

But possibly more important is the fact that Martin O’Malley doesn’t know anything and should be sharing these nuggets of ignorance with a bathroom stall and a sharpie marker rather than a real, live reporter.

This is coming from a guy who got approximately 20 people to back him, two of which were his parents, and another of which was his dog (probably). He may feel high and mighty hitting back at Sanders, but anyone who watched the debates he was involved in saw him racing back and forth like an overexcited golden retriever, seeking to find his niche between corporate Democrats and progressive leftism.

Seriously, things were so sad for O’Malley that one of the few articles he was featured in for The Ring of Fire Network was titled, “Poor, Poor O’Malley,” and was about how he repeatedly begged to have more time to speak at the debates he participated in.

Simply, no one knows who O’Malley is because he wasn’t important or good enough to be well known.

Unlike O’Malley, Bernie had millions who backed him. Might he have lost to Trump? Maybe. But does O’Malley have any ground to be sharing his wadded up spitball of an opinion on a man who has done more for the Democratic party and the American people in one week than he will do his entire career? Nope.

Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at