The efforts of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and House Republicans that caused the government shutdown have caused a major shift in the polls. The GOP’s approval rating is at an all-time low of 24 percent, while the Affordable Care Act has seen a favorable uprising in approval. And, for that, liberal group Americans United for Change sent Cruz a fruit basket.

“Dear Ted,” the attached card reads. “A Texas-sized thank you!! Thanks to you, Obamacare in more popular and the GOP is less so. Keep up the Good Work!! Yours, Americans United for Change.”

Last month, the Affordable Care Act scored a 31-44 favorability to unfavorability margin, however, the most recent Wall Street Journal/NBC poll found that it jumped seven points, while disapproval fell one point, a 38-41 margin. Obama’s approval rating has nearly leveled off at a 47-48 margin, compared to 45-50 polled last month. And, as it turns out, this turnaround in the pollings was sufficient enough to prompt Americans United for Change president Brad Woodhouse to show Cruz his gratitude.

“It’s the best $90 we’ve spent,” said Woodhouse. “In the interest of humanity, we sent the food and snacks to his staff because the snack bars are shut down.”

The last bit of Woodhouse’s comments are surely meant to be tongue in cheek.

Considering the boldness and brashness it took to pull a gag like this, to Mr. Woodhouse and the others with Americans United for Change, well played. We here at Ring of Fire applaud you.

Josh is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. Follow him on Twitter @dnJdeli.