Below are Ring of Fire's top stories from the past week.

Video Rewind

Does BP Hire Online “Trolls” to Harass Its Critics and Victims?

BP has allegedly been hiring internet “trolls,” disruptive site visitors who purposely attack and provoke users wanting to have honest and thoughtful interaction, to attack environmentalists, scientists, and critics of BP of America (BAP). An anonymous whistleblower with the Government Accountability Office in Washington D.C. has come forth with information that points to BP and Ogilvy, its PR firm, for paying people to harass Facebook users. … Read more.


Koch Brothers’ Tar Sands Waste Invades Chicago

On a boat trip earlier this year, members of the Southeast Environmental Task Force noticed towering piles of fine, black, rock-like material along the banks of the Calumet River in Chicago. The piles were made up of petroleum coke, or “petcoke,” a byproduct of refining tar sands crude, deposited by Koch Companies – one of the largest single sources of funding for conservative organizations in the US. … Read more.


Son of Missouri State Official Let Off on Sexual Assault, Anonymous Reacts

In January 18, 2012, Matthew Barnett, a Missouri high school senior dumped his 14-year old victim, Daisy Coleman, on her parents front yard in 30-degree weather after he got her drunk and recorded himself having sex with her. Police arrested Barnett and charged him with sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a minor and he admitted to his actions. … Read more.

pradaxa pills

Pradaxa Lawsuits Increase 30 Percent, Drug Still Considered ‘Safe’

The number of lawsuits against the manufacturer of the oral anticoagulant, alleging that the drug caused internal bleeding injuries or death, have risen significantly during the last two months. A prescription drug patient resource center reports a 29 percent rise in Pradaxa lawsuits, according to PRWeb. … Read more.

Medicaid expansion states

GOP-led States’ Refusal to Expand Medicaid Could Leave Millions Uninsured

Republican governors who refuse to expand Medicaid eligibility will leave over 5 million low-income Americans without basic health coverage, a new study reports. … Read more.

Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. You can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.
