Conservative lawmakers in Nebraska are pushing for a state-funded climate study in light of the recent two-year long drought that was bludgeoned the state, killing thousands of the state’s cropshare. This study, however, will be nothing more than a complex pamphlet for climate deniers.

The parameters of the proposed study carry implications of a climate-denying bias as state legislature-approved study includes a provision that eliminates the inclusion human factors in climate change. The Climate Assessment and Response Committee, a drought advisory group, will conduct the study.

Not only will the study be underfunded, a mere $44,000, but Republican State Sen. Beau McCoy included the “non-human” provision of the study’s legislation. McCoy’s amendment to the bill limits the scope of the study to only examine “cyclical” climate change. Cyclical climate change, or climate oscillation, is the phenomenon of the earth’s climate change occurring naturally and in phases. The Ice Ages and El Nino are examples of cyclical climate change.

“I don’t subscribe to global warming,” said McCoy. “I think there are normal, cyclical changes.”

However, Democratic and environmentally-minded State Sen. Ken Haar argues logic, in favor of empirical scientific data and research. Haar said that the standing, proposed study “rejects science” and “would make the state ‘look stupid.’”

He vehemently criticized the plan further and said “Let’s just embrace ignorance, and let our children deal with the consequences. That’s what that sounds like.” The study has not only seen criticism from politicians, but scientists and meteorology experts have also opposed the study’s parameters of excluding human factors.

Scientists at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln said that if those become the standing parameters, they wouldn’t take part in it and wouldn’t even ask others to do so, as well. National Weather Service meteorologist, Barbara Mayes, said that “cyclical” isn’t even a scientific term. “You won’t get a credible response,” she added.

The governor’s office seems to be trying to keep its hands as clean of the legislation as possible as Sue Roush, spokeswoman for Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman, said the office wants to avoid direct involvement in how “cyclical” is defined.

Josh is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. Follow him on Twitter @dnJdeli.