Below are Ring of Fire’s top stories from the past week.

Video Rewind
Steve Lipsky - fracking water

Texas Man Sued for Defamation by Fracking Company that Contaminated his Water Supply

A Weatherford, Texas resident is facing a $3 million defamation lawsuit by Ft. Worth fracking company Range Resources. In 2011, Steve Lipsky exposed the company for contaminating his water supply with methane and benzene, DeSmog Blog reports. … Read more.

darrell issasize

Darrell Issa Continues His Lies

The House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA), continues to leak false information about the administration to the media and the general public. He has done it twice since June with his latest egregious lie centered around the implementation of the ACA. … Read more.

Emergency room

Conservative Argument that Obamacare Gives Immigrants Free Health Care is BS

Conservatives love to perpetuate the misguided notion that “Obamacare” gives free health coverage to illegal immigrants. Many reference this viral quote, which they falsely attribute to economist Ben Stein, when complaining about how Obamacare will provide health care coverage for non-citizens. Unfortunately, their argument is completely invalid … Read more.

Gas Pipeline Explosion - Milford, TX

Gas Pipeline Explodes Prompting Evacuation of Texas Town

An entire Texas town was evacuated yesterday after a Chevron drilling crew punctured a gas pipeline near a drilling rig, triggering an explosion. The explosion occurred at about 9:30 am CST in north Texas near Milford, according to the Associated Press. …Read more.

dirty-medical equipment

John Stossel Thinks the Poor Should Sell a Kidney

Last week, on an episode of Fox & Friends, libertarian and Fox Business host John Stossel made a call to privatize nearly everything, including the medical organ business. The Fox host that once said the America is a “nation of freeloaders” thinks that we should not “get money for nothing,” if we have to, sell a kidney. … Read more.

Elizabeth Warren Urges Bankruptcy Option for Private Student Loans

Does BP Hire “Trolls” to Harass Its Critics and Victims?

Koch Group to Crash 20 College Campuses with Anti-Obamacare Parties


Painkiller addictions worst drug epidemic in US History | @amelscript

How Much Sway Should Brain Science Hold Over Court Hearings? | @heyiamlex

Occupy Wall Street activists buy $15m of Americans’ personal debt | @adamgabbatt

Who is Responsible for the Pain-Pill Epidemic | @celinegounder

We Live in the United States of Bullies

Richard Cohen in Context

Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of FireYou can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.