Ring of Fire’s top stories from the past week.

Video Rewind

Fox Meat Scandal Forces Walmart Recall

Walmart recalled donkey meat supplies from some Chinese outlets after DNA tests revealed the presence of fox meat. Found in the Shandong province, the tainted donkey meat will surely further damage Walmart’s reputation in China as the company has had similar food safety problems in the past.


Dietary Supplement Tied to Liver Failure

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services reported that a 28-year-old man is requiring a liver transplant after suffering liver failure from allegedly using the bodybuilding and dietary supplement Mass Destruction. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning consumers to stop using the supplement after it has been associated with causing serious injuries to the liver.


The NSA is Impersonating Websites

The NSA has hardware exploits for most devices and will, if given the opportunity, co-op your devices into spying on your neighbors. If your unused wireless router is sitting around, not being used – say you’re at work but you didn’t turn your home PC off – the NSA has programs in place to take over your PC, scan networks within range and intercept whatever data they can.

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL - MAY 18:  Florida Governor Rick Scott speaks during the Governor's Hurricane Conference General Session at the  Broward County Convention Center on May 18, 2011 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.The conference was established to focus on the challenges caused by hurricanes and tropical events unique to Florida. Hurricane season in the Atlantic begins June 1st and ends November 30th  (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Rick Scott Stands Behind Unconstitutional Law

A federal judge struck down Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s controversial welfare drug testing law this week. A blatant violation of the Constitution, the judge ruled as such saying that the law encroached upon citizen protections against unreasonable searches.


Sugared Beverages Linked to Endometrial Cancer

A recent study has linked the consumption of sugared beverages – sodas, sports drinks, and other drinks containing sugar – to an increased risk of endometrial cancer in postmenopausal women. The study was conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Minnesota and was published online in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarker & Prevention.

Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. You can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.