Rick Perry turned himself in for arrest following charges for two felonies related to the abuse of the power of his office. Now, the Texas governor is trying to capitalize on the notoriety to make a quick profit.

In what may be an ultimate show of poor-taste, RickPac.org is selling T-Shirts that feature Rick Perry as “wanted” on the front and Rosemary Legmberg on the back as “guilty.” Rick Perry is noted as wanted “for securing the border and defeating democrats” while Lehmberg is noted as guilty “driving while intoxicated and perversion of justice.”

For those that missed it, what Perry is making light of are the two felony counts that have been leveled against him by a grand jury. He is charged with abuse of official capacity and coercion of a public servant or voter.

It just goes to show you the sort of lows they’re capable of sinking to.


Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. You can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.