Animal advocacy group Mercy for Animals recently released another piece of footage showing the brutally harsh treatment visited upon American livestock, The Huffington Post reported.

New Mexico-based dairy farm, Winchester Dairy, has been identified in the inhumane treatment of dairy cows, and the video has been posted to the Mercy for Animals-powered website “Slice of Cruelty.” The footage was gathered by an undercover investigator with the advocacy group and depicted unspeakable acts of animal cruelty.

Workers at the dairy farm kicked, punched, electrocuted, and beat the cows with chains. In other instances, they carelessly heaved young cows end-over-end into truck beds, causing the young cows to sustain pain and injury to their bodies and heads. Cows too sick or injured to walk were tied with chains fastened to heavy machinery and were dragged across the pens.

The most vile of acts involved the workers pulling a dead calf out of its mother using chains, and because the mother cow didn’t receive medical treatment because of the “procedure,” she later died from her injuries.

Winchester Dairy supplies dairy to Leprino Foods, which produces mozzarella cheese for the country’s three biggest pizza chains: Pizza Hut, Domino’s, and Papa John’s. According to a Domino’s spokesperson, the video shows an “isolated case of sadistic acts by employees at a single dairy farm in southern New Mexico. This isolated incident does not reflect the daily care and comfort that New Mexico dairy farmers provide their cows.”

Late last year, Mercy for Animals released another video that depicted the inhumane treatment of pigs committed by Rosewood Farms, a meat supplier for Walmart. Much like Winchester, the workers at Rosewood beat, kicked, and provided extremely brutal treatment to its animals.

Winchester Dairy has since fired all its employees and gave up the offenders to local police.

Watch the video released by Mercy for Animals below:

Josh is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. Follow him on Twitter @dnJdeli.