Climate change deniers continue refusing to accept the evidence that climate change is a very real and very dangerous threat to the future of our planet. Leaving the scientific data behind, which can be difficult to do as it is so convincing, the evidence that climate change is real and the effects can be felt are becoming more apparent each day.

More severe storms are occurring more regularly.

Areas that have previously weathered regular storms are seeing an increase in intensity that has not occurred in generations. In Bangladesh, for example, severe flooding and is devastating the local population by eradicating homes and destroying crops. Super-cyclones are assaulting the region with more frequency resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands.

According to The Guardian, storms of the intensity of Cyclone Sidr and Cyclone Aila, which devastated Bangladesh, used to occur once every twenty to thirty years. These storms leveled Bangladesh within two years of each other.

Permafrost is melting.

The Siberian permafrost is melting. Scientists predict that the melting of the permafrost stands to release as much as twenty years worth of man made carbon into the atmosphere. Permafrost covers approximately a quarter of all the land mass of Earth.

The Marshall Islands, and many others, are sinking.

Rising sea levels are resulting in the submergence of the Marshall Islands, forcing its inhabitants to take extraordinary measures to ensure the safety of their homes. Many low-lying nations face a similar fate.

The island nation of Kiribati will have to move its entire population as a result of rising sea levels. The country’s president negotiated a deal with Fiji to purchase $8 million worth of land to move his people. He has stated that climate change has already compromised the islands food cultivation.

Here’s another great video to help dispel some of the myths and misinformation that climate change deniers cling to.


Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. You can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.