In Texas, a Harris County sheriff’s deputy arrested a man while the man was filming the deputy’s response to a call, reported Raw Story.

The deputy, identified as “Hoang,” responded to a call made on private property and approached a man sitting in a chair. Michael Gardner, who identified himself in the video as a friend of the family, began filming the conversation between Hoang and the man in the chair. The deputy then asked, “Is there a reason why you’re recording this?”

“Yes, sir, but I don’t answer questions,” said Gardner.

“You need to leave,” said the officer.

“I’m on private property,” replied Gardner. “I’m video recording it for public document, sir.”

“You need to leave,” said the deputy. “Right now, this is a scene, and you’re not allowed to be here.”

“I’m not interfering,” said Gardner. “I’m just video recording it for public safety purposes.”

At that point, the deputy focused his attention on Gardner and proceeded to put Gardner in handcuffs. While the deputy was subduing Gardner, Gardner can be heard in the video shouting “I’m not doing anything, sir. This is illegal. Highly illegal.” Gardner was then arrested and taken in, but a judge released him after finding no cause to charge him.

Watch Gardner’s video below: