The CIA torture program was a huge, unconfirmed secret until yesterday, but former CIA agent John Kiriakou tried to expose the program when he realized its derogatory and ineffective nature, reported the Huffington Post.

Eventually, Kiriakou was sentenced to 30 months in prison. However, the torturers and administrators who lied to the government and the People will likely go unpunished. His initial attempt to expose the program came about in 2007 during an ABC interview when he noted the CIA torture program.

During the interview, he revealed the name of a covert agent and charges were filed against him in 2008. After a guilty plea in 2012, he was sentenced to 30 months in prison. Kiriakou feels his charges were a bit discriminatory.

“I believe I was prosecuted not for what I did but for who I am: a CIA officer who said torture was wrong and ineffective and went against the grain,” said Kiriakou.

The U.S. Department of Justice would have to decide whether or not to file charges against officials connected to the torture program, said White House press secretary Josh Earnest. We’re not holding our breaths for that to happen, however. Eric Holder said two years ago that he wouldn’t charge individuals involved in torture methods. Yet another weak showing by our U.S. Attorney General.

According to international law, the government has the ability to “prosecute torture ‘where there is sufficient evidence to provide a reasonable prospect of conviction.’” It’s safe to say that the released CIA documents is sufficient enough evidence to pursue a prosecution of those involved.

Allowing government operatives to torture individuals, some of whom were wrongly held, isn’t just infuriating; it’s terrifying. No branch or extension of government should be allowed to inhumanly torture and degrade any person without fear of consequence.