Jeb Bush’s “past” as an imperialistic neoconservative is becoming more apparent as he ramps up his push for the 2016 presidential race, reported Addicting Info. A former member of the now-defunct Project for the New American Century (PNAC), Bush has begun touching upon the very same talking points that led the country astray into Iraq in 2003.

And as we’ve come to expect, Jeb Bush isn’t the moderate, “president of the future” that he’s trying to make himself out to be.

Bush tweeted this yesterday, and a transcription provided by Addicting Info will follow.

Everywhere you look, you see the world slipping out of control. Under this administration we are inconsistent and indecisive. We have lost the trust and confidence of our friends. We definitely no longer inspire fear in our enemies. This administration talks, but the words fade. The great irony of the Obama presidency is this; Someone who came to office promising greater engagement has left America less influential in the world. The work to restore America’s leadership in the world will take a concerted effort, the commitment of new leaders, and a sure sense that America is often at its best when it is tested. I believe, fundamentally, weakness invites war. strength encourages peace. Free people, free markets, free ideas implemented faithfully will set a powerful example of what’s possible to the rest of the world. Others should want America as a friend. There should be no comfort, no success, and no future standing against the United States. Nothing, and no one, can replace strong, American leadership.

Strength leads to peace? That’s the kind of rhetoric used by former President George W. Bush. He wanted to play the tough-guy president that took no guff from anyone else. He tried to break a few eggs to make an omelet, but we all see where that got us.

While it’s necessary to have a strong leader, it’s another thing to have a president that flexes the American muscle just because he can. Jeb Bush is just more of the same. He wants American occupation and the “spread of democracy,” even though it’s apparent that other countries scoff at our presence.