Wisconsin teachers and college professors are preparing for the inevitable economic fallout that will result from Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s state budget, reported ThinkProgress.

Walker’s budget strips $300 million from the University of Wisconsin (UW) system over the next two years, freeing up money to build a new professional basketball stadium. Many schools in the Univ. of Wisconsin system are preparing themselves for massive layoffs that will be caused by the budget.

At UW-Eau Claire, school administrators offered 325 buyouts to faculty and staff. Half of the university’s political science department is expected to get laid off. UW-Stevens Port is expected to cut entire programs. Teachers and faculty at the pre-secondary level expect similar woes.

Wisconsin’s public school system is losing $127 million, and Milwaukee Public Schools alone will lose $12 million. Walker put Wisconsin’s public school system into a downward spiral since becoming governor in 2011.

“Over the last several years we’ve seen more kids in each classroom, less individual attention for children, and cuts to music, art, and physical education programs,” said Bob Peterson, a 5th grade teacher.

“There are also way fewer guidance counselors and social workers, and given the Depression-like economic conditions that are in the community here, that’s a real serious problem. They now don’t have time to give kids guidance around post-high school possibilities like technical schools, apprenticeships or college.”

While Walker is robbing the state’s education fund, he’s also giving tax breaks to corporations and the rich. Since Walker has been in office, he has given huge tax breaks to higher income individuals. Those making at least $80,000 a year enjoy a 44 percent tax cut. Those making less than $21,000 receive a meager five percent.

Scott Walker’s backwards politics are beginning to show their damage. Teachers are going to lose their jobs for a basketball stadium. To make matters worse, he shows favoritism to the wealthy elites while the working-class is left in the dust.