An adviser for Donald Trump told the New Hampshire Union Leader that the real-estate mogul won’t be renewing his contract for his NBC reality show “The Apprentice,” but will be launching a presidential exploratory committee.

In a statement as humble as the conservative blowhard himself, Trump ridiculously claims that he’s the only person who can really save America.

“I have a great love for our country, but it is a country that is in serious trouble. We have lost the respect of the entire world. Americans deserve better than what they get from their politicians – who are all talk and no action! I have built a great company, created thousands of jobs and built a tremendous net worth with some of the finest and most prestigious assets in the world – and very little debt! [Note: Trump has filed for bankruptcy four times.] All Americans deserve the same opportunity. Our real unemployment rate is staggering while our manufacturing base is eroding on a daily basis. We must rebuild our infrastructure, control our borders, support local control of education, greatly strengthen our military, care for our veterans and put Americans back to work! We must stop other countries from totally taking advantage of our representatives who are being out-negotiated at every turn. I am the only one who can make America truly great again!”

The Leader also reported that, in addition to his team of advisers in New York, Trump has hired staff in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.

Senior adviser Corey Lewandowski said that “Apprentice” producer Mark Burnett “personally called” Trump to offer him another season of the show, but Trump turned him down.

“Nobody in the history of television has turned down a renewal,” Lewandowski incorrectly told The Leader, “but Mr. Trump can do that.”

Trump is scheduled to meet with a group of New Hampshire veterans and business owners tomorrow, and is a confirmed speaker for the “First in the Nation” Republican Leadership Summit next month.

While he has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the election, we can’t wait to see the hilarious trainwreck that the Trump campaign will certainly be.