Ronnie Lottz is the owner of the Illinois bar called Cigars and Stripes, and he has come under fire for having a two-way mirror door in the women’s bathroom that leads to a closet. He defended the door saying that it’s a “gag” and “live art,” but we all know it’s a display of perversion and invasion.

Struggling and relatively unknown comedian Tamale Rocks recorded a video of herself at Cigars and Stripes exploring the door, which has a direct view of the toilet in the women’s bathroom. The view is intrusive and invades patrons’ privacy. It’s mind-blowing that the door isn’t illegal.

When the Huffington Post spoke to Lottz, the bar owner said that he’s keeping the awful door and that Rocks just wants attention.

“I have to tell you this: The woman who recorded that obviously has had a little difficulty with her career, and everybody is looking for that niche right now,” said Lottz. “They just gotta find that viral video.”

“I make a living on making people either very unhappy or take them out of their reality for a couple of hours of their life. My bar is promoted as haunted. I was in the professional wrestling business. I have a 10 foot mummy that was stolen.”

Lottz continued, saying that he doesn’t see what the big deal is. He insisted that Rocks is just desperate and trying to become somewhat famous and that the mirror is only in the women’s bathroom. He also said men are absolutely disallowed from entering the bathroom because men “piss on the seats.”

That the mirror door is a gag or joke is of no importance. It may be to Lottz, but it isn’t to everyone else. It’s an invasion of privacy and kind of perverted actually. Lottz said the door isn’t coming down, but it needs to. Listen to the interview below.