House Republicans voted to repeal the nation’s estate tax on April 16 in a 240-179 victory over the Democrats, reported TruthOut. This repeal gives a massive tax break to the country’s 25 wealthiest people, about $334 billion.

According to TruthOut, 2.6 million people died in America last year and only 3,700 of those estates paid any estate tax which equals one out of 700 estates paying taxes. There’s a silver lining, however. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros, and Carl Icahn support keeping a robust estate tax.

Without an estate tax, heirs of wealthy people would inherit all of that money tax-free. Below is the list of the top 25 and how much they would be exempted from paying.

Billionaire Wealth Source Wealth (in $ Billions) Estate Tax @ 40%(In $ Billions)
Bill Gates Microsoft 81.0 32.4
Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway 67.0 26.8
Larry Ellison Oracle 50.0 20.0
Charles Koch Inherited — Koch Industries 42.0 16.8
David Koch Inherited — Koch Industries 42.0 16.8
Christy Walton Inherited — Walmart 38.0 15.2
Jim Walton Inherited — Walmart 36.0 14.4
Michael Bloomberg Bloomberg plc 35.0 14.0
Alice Walton Inherited — Walmart 34.9 14.0
S Robson Walton Inherited — Walmart 34.8 13.9
Mark Zuckerberg Facebook 34.0 13.6
Sheldon Adelson Las Vegas Sands 32.0 12.8
Larry Page Google 31.5 12.6
Sergey Brin Google 31.0 12.4
Jeff Bezos 30.5 12.2
Carl Icahn Icahn Enterprises (private equity) 26.0 10.4
George Soros Soros Asset Management 24.0 9.6
Steve Ballmer Microsoft 22.5 9.0
Forrest Mars Jr Inherited – Mars Candy 22.0 8.8
Jacqueline Mars Inherited – Mars Candy 22.0 8.8
John Mars Inherited – Mars Candy 22.0 8.8
Len Blavanik Access Industries (private equity) 21.5 8.6
Phil Knight NIKE 19.9 8.0
Michael Dell Dell Computer 17.7 7.1
L. Powell Jobs Inherited — Apple 16.6 6.6
Total 333.6

Source: Forbes 400

While people like Gates and Buffett are in support of the estate tax, billionaire greed factories like casino mogul Sheldon Adelson would rather not have his family pay their fair share. In fact, he created his own little tax hustle called the grantor retained annuity trust (GRAT). That tax-dodging scheme has protected $8 billion of Adelson’s assets.

The Republicans look to protect every penny of their one percent overlords. They are the key source of campaign contributions. Protect the rich, and protect the contributions.