Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck has said that the recent death of a homeless man as a result of a police shooting disturbed him and that, in the footage he has had available to review, he has seen no justification for the shooting that occurred.

Local news affiliate KTLA reported that Brendon Glenn, a familiar transient person to the Venice Beach community was involved in an altercation outside of a bar with officers and was shot. He was transported to a local hospital but later died as a result of his injuries.

It was during a press conference this Wednesday that the police chief addressed his officer’s activities. Chief Beck said, “Any time an unarmed person is shot by a Los Angeles police officer, it takes extraordinary circumstances to justify that, and I have not seen those extraordinary circumstances at this point.

Friends of Glenn stated that it is hard to believe that anything Glenn would have done would have justified the officers shooting and killing Glenn.

“Whatever reason that they had to shoot him, I don’t think it was justified because he wasn’t a confrontational human being by any means,” said Henry Geller, a friend of Glenn’s. “He was definitely like a peacemaker.”

Watch the local coverage from KTLA below.