A bar owner in Orlando, Florida has been accused of holding a black couple at gunpoint, calling them racial slurs, and telling them to “call Jesse Jackson,” reported the Orlando Sentinel.

The victims, 21-year-old Kayla Davis, and her boyfriend, 20-year-old Darian Elwin, said that they went to the Orlando George & Dragon British Pub for a birthday celebration when the owner, Kim Bruns, allegedly held the couple at gunpoint. Bruns denied the allegations.

“It’s all false accusations,” said Bruns. “I have black people who work for me. I have never used a racial slur.”

Bruns’ attorney, Rose Feller, said it’s “too early in the investigation to determine what has happened.”

The OS reported that things went awry when Bruns began acting hostile when Davis, who turned 21 two months prior, asked for a drink recommendation. Davis said that when Bruns gave her the beverage, the owner said “I’m watching you, and you better not give any drinks to minors.”

Davis said it “felt weird and racist a little bit.”

After another comment, Davis took her full drink back to the bar and told Bruns that she and Elwin were leaving. Bruns then reportedly left and came back with a .357 magnum revolver and said “I will shoot you [expletives].” According to the police report, “Bruns then picked up a drinking glass from the bar, throwing it at Davis.”

Elwin then offered to go ahead and pay for the drink in hopes of resolving the incident. However, Bruns reportedly began yelling and swearing at Elwin.

“I’ll shoot you too if I have to. It’s legal,” said Bruns. “Call Jesse Jackson, [expletive].”

Police arrived at the scene and arrested Bruns for aggravated assault with a firearm.

“I can’t believe you would take those [expletives] side over mine,” Bruns reportedly said.

This is the 10th time that Bruns has been arrested in 31 years. In 2011, she served two months in county jail for getting into a fight. It appears that the bar owner has a history of violent confrontations and assault.

Bruns refused to let officers see a surveillance video that captured the incident.