The more people find out about Bernie Sanders, the more they find out that they like him. In a recent poll from New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders was only 10 percentage points behind Hillary Clinton.

Among liberals, Sanders is closing the gap between Hillary and him. He follows her by only 20 points while Sanders leads Clinton with male liberals.

While many have thought that Hillary was the foretold Democratic nominee for 2016, Bernie Sanders has been surprising the establishment with packed house after packed house.

Hillary would do well to recognize that Bernie Sanders is a serious challenger, though it is unlikely that she will do much to stop the growing Sanders campaign.

Compared with the Republicans, the Democrats have an advantage over Republicans. The Democrats don’t have a clown car full of candidates parading across the nation pretending that they are doing anything more than increasing their publicity.

So there we have it, the Republicans are flooding the political landscape and the saturation alone, no need to deal with their terrible stances, are casting them into irrelevancy. Hillary was was the presumed nominee, but her weakness are coming shining through against Bernie Sanders.