As “Jade Helm 15” (a federal military training exercise) starts today, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) will be receiving updates from members of the Texas State Guard about the operation, reported Talking Points Memo.

The Texas State Guard will monitor the training exercise, and will brief the governor’s office once a day to verify Texas is not under attack or in danger. It’s one thing for conspiracy theorists to be paranoid about the federal government performing military training, it’s a whole new level of paranoia for it to come from the governor’s office. Does the Texas governor really believe that Obama is planning to invade Texas?

Back in April, Gov. Abbott requested that the State Guard monitor all activities of the exercise. The State Guard cannot fully mobilize for things other than emergency situations and ceremonial activities, noted TPM. Abbott really believes Texans are in danger of martial law and a government takeover.

“It is important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights, and civil liberties will not be infringed,” wrote Abbott in his State Guard request to monitor the exercise. “By monitoring the Operation on a continual basis, the State Guard will facilitate communications between my office and the commanders of the Operation to ensure adequate measures are in place to protect Texans.”

“Jade Helm 15” will last for two months from July 15 to September 15. Absolutely nothing will happen because of it. Military service members will engage in some real-world training, and that’s it. Meanwhile, Gov. Abbott and the rest of the Texas crazies will have wasted time and resources making sure something that won’t happen doesn’t. They might as well watch paint dry.